Why You Need to Teach Sound Segmentation and the Best Way To Do It!

Phonemic awareness is one of the most important skills you will teach your students. It is the ability to identify and manipulate individual sounds in words, a key component of the science of reading. One specific aspect of phonemic awareness is sound segmentation, breaking words down into their sounds or phonemes. In this blog post, we will explore the science behind sound segmentation and how it can be taught in the classroom.

why you need to teach sound segmentation and the best way to do it.

Morning Tubs vs. Traditional Math Worksheets: Why Hands-On Wins!

How do you start each day in your classroom?  Morning work is a popular approach, but there are differing views of what morning work should look like.  Hands-on learning is best, especially with math morning tubs that my students beg to use each morning.

morning tubs vs math worksheets.  why hands on learning wins

15 Strategies to Effectively Manage Simple Tasks in Your Classroom

Managing your classroom environment is a must for your sanity and to make classroom management more effortless.  There are many things to think about, but today, I will share more about managing simple classroom tasks.  Read on for 10 ideas, and check the end of the post to find out how to get 5 more hacks.  

Managing Simple Tasks In The Classroom

Purposeful Fast Finisher Math Activities Your Students will LOVE!

Every classroom has them; students who are fast finishers! As teachers, we need to plan for our lessons, but we also have to plan in place with additional fast finishers' activities.  Better yet, how about planning purposeful fast finisher activities.  This does NOT need to be a lot of work and stress.  

Purposeful fast finisher math activities that your students will love

How to Effectively Teach Phonemic Awareness Skills Online

Teaching phonemic awareness skills can be a challenge, but what if you are trying to teach phonemic awareness skills virtually?  How does that work?  Keep reading to learn more about some things I tried while teaching phonemic awareness skills online.  

how to effectively teach phonemic awareness skills online and helpful resources to use.

5 Helpful Google Extensions for Stressed Out Virtual Teachers

Pivoting to virtual learning has not been a fun experience!  Kudos to all of the teachers who have been running virtual classrooms for quite some time now.  It is a totally different way of teaching! Not only do you need to teach, but you need to be a tech expert in navigating platforms, websites and extensions.   I am not claiming to be an expert, but being thrust into the world of virtual teaching has meant that I have spent a lot of time looking for ways to save my time and my sanity.  I am sharing 5 extensions that I am using and finding helpful.